
Overall, the following books have helped forming my vision throughout the years and are still relevant:

  • “Thought as a System” – David Bohm
  • “States of Consciousness” – Charles T. Tart
  • “Waking Up” – Charles T. Tart
  • “On Creativity” – David Bohm

Very helpful in clarifying certain mechanisms:

  • “Synaptic Self – How Our Brains Become Who We Are” – Joseph LeDoux
  • “Monsters & Magical Sticks – There Is No Such Thing As Hypnosis” – Stephen Heller & Terry Steele
  • “Unfolding Self – The Practice of Psychosynthesis” – Molly Young Brown
  • “The Body, Self-Cultivation, and Ki-Energy” – Yasuo Yuasa
  • “Toward a Psychology of Awakening” – John Welwood

I really started digging into the mysteries of consciousness with this mind-boggling book – i have read it 10 times or more and it is still a challenge to filter out the sense from the nonsense. In other words: this is a book for serious people who are willing to question their views and to get lost in their thoughts. I think you could consider it as a series of koan exercises for scientific minds:

  • “The Limits of Thought” – J. Krishnamurti & David Bohm

As i dug deeper into Krishnamurti’s teachings, a lot of contradictions arose, due to both an inconsistent use of language and K’s shortcomings.
However, there is still a lot of consistent wisdom to be found in his words. Read a couple of books and if you have really gone into the issues, you have read all of them.
My favorites are the ones where he digs deeper than he normally would, where the reasoning becomes rocky and unclear, which forces you to investigate for yourself what is actually true.

  • “Can Humanity Change?” – J. Krishnamurti dialogues with Buddhist students
  • “The Future of Humanity” – J. Krishnamurti & D. Bohm
  • “The Awakening of Intelligence” – J. Krishnamurti dialogues with various people

Further reading

  • “On dialogue” – David Bohm
  • “Overcoming Modernity – Synchronicity and image-thinking” – Yasuo Yuasa
  • “The Undiscovered Self” – Carl G. Jung

meditations on living, thinking & observing