So, finally, after another year of non-activity on this website, things are starting to move again. It all comes along fairly slowly, but still i proceed at a steady pace. What follows is a summary of work in progress.
For starters, my returning readers will have probably noticed that i have totally refurbished the … Continue Reading ››
After a very long hiatus from writing, i am getting back on track, starting with this lengthy explanation.A lot has happened in my personal life the past two years, primarily the discovery of my gender fluidity and the ongoing recovery from serious health issues. I guess … Continue Reading ››
Most people associate the word "creativity" solely with artists ( painters, musicians, writers, actors, ... ), the "creative segment" of society. Nowadays it is also widely used in corporate environments, politicians talk about it, schools and academic institutions pretend to promote it, and i am … Continue Reading ››
Since there have been no new meditations on this website since April, one might think that the ontoscopy project is bleeding to death. On the contrary, there is new stuff in the pipeline. I have not written anything substantial for a number of reasons, which i shall now point out. NOTE: this post contains little practical … Continue Reading ››
NOTICE from the author: this was written in 02010(!) and my views and factual knowledge have somewhat changed since then. I'm leaving it up for now (02020.07) but I might change my mind after thoroughly re-reading... 🙂 During the past century, a relatively small number of highly insightful books have been published among the gigantic piles … Continue Reading ››