Tag Archives: freedom

On rejection and generosity

Notes to self and fellow souls from an underwater artist
(title picture: "Basho's Frog (A Smaller Splash)" (partim) by Sky Hoorne 02022)

The healthy way to handle rejection is not to harden and not to go into counter-rejection. Not to get caught in trauma and drama.
To go back underwater and to … Continue Reading ››

On my way to the marketplace

After a very long hiatus from writing, i am getting back on track, starting with this lengthy explanation.

A lot has happened in my personal life the past two years, primarily the discovery of my gender fluidity and the ongoing recovery from serious health issues. I guess … Continue Reading ››

Creativity of being

Most people associate the word "creativity" solely with artists ( painters, musicians, writers, actors, ... ), the "creative segment" of society. Nowadays it is  also widely used in corporate environments, politicians talk about it, schools and academic institutions pretend to promote it, and i am … Continue Reading ››

You are your thoughts!

Here are some comments on a couple of popular slogans within contemporary spiritual circles, namely the ideas that "you are not your thoughts", that "identification with form is wrong", and that "all thinking is evil". There might be differences in interpreting these words, but something is implicitly missing or not quite right with these statements.
In … Continue Reading ››