Tag Archives: science

The blurry shape of things to come

So, finally, after another year of non-activity on this website, things are starting to move again. It all comes along fairly slowly, but still i proceed at a steady pace. What follows is a summary of work in progress.

For starters, my returning readers will have probably noticed that i have totally refurbished the … Continue Reading ››

A necessary silence

Since there have been no new meditations on this website since April, one might think that the ontoscopy project is bleeding to death. On the contrary, there is new stuff in the pipeline. I have not written anything substantial for a number of reasons, which i shall now point out. NOTE: this post contains little practical … Continue Reading ››

“Ontoscopy” what does it mean?

ontos: from Greek on (gen. ontos) = "being" (prp. of einai "to be") scopy: from Greek skopos = "seeing," from skopein = "to watch." Some people have been wondering why i … Continue Reading ››