All posts by Sky++


On rejection and generosity

Notes to self and fellow souls from an underwater artist
(title picture: "Basho's Frog (A Smaller Splash)" (partim) by Sky Hoorne 02022)

The healthy way to handle rejection is not to harden and not to go into counter-rejection. Not to get caught in trauma and drama.
To go back underwater and to … Continue Reading ››

Contexting: a challenging perspective
And the underexplored art of coherent contexting

This is an essay that explores an idea on which I have been ruminating for about ten years and that finally got (re)written in 02020. It was recently reworked to be published in Pari Perspectives (If you are interested in science, religion, spirituality, society, psychology, language, and the arts, consider subscribing to this … Continue Reading ››

Contexten als werkwoord, actieve context: een uitdagend perspectief
En de onderbelichte kunst van coherent contexten

Dit is een vertaling van het originele Engelstalige essay over contexting (link) dat werd geredigeerd voor publicatie in het magazine Pari Perspectives: Ideas in Science, the Arts, Spirit and Community ( meer info:, voorzien van enkele extra's.

De limieten van tekst en het … Continue Reading ››

The blurry shape of things to come

So, finally, after another year of non-activity on this website, things are starting to move again. It all comes along fairly slowly, but still i proceed at a steady pace. What follows is a summary of work in progress.

For starters, my returning readers will have probably noticed that i have totally refurbished the … Continue Reading ››

On my way to the marketplace

After a very long hiatus from writing, i am getting back on track, starting with this lengthy explanation.

A lot has happened in my personal life the past two years, primarily the discovery of my gender fluidity and the ongoing recovery from serious health issues. I guess … Continue Reading ››