Tag Archives: meaning

On rejection and generosity

Notes to self and fellow souls from an underwater artist
(title picture: "Basho's Frog (A Smaller Splash)" (partim) by Sky Hoorne 02022)

The healthy way to handle rejection is not to harden and not to go into counter-rejection. Not to get caught in trauma and drama.
To go back underwater and to … Continue Reading ››

On my way to the marketplace

After a very long hiatus from writing, i am getting back on track, starting with this lengthy explanation.

A lot has happened in my personal life the past two years, primarily the discovery of my gender fluidity and the ongoing recovery from serious health issues. I guess … Continue Reading ››

The neglected case of David Bohm

NOTICE from the author: this was written in 02010(!) and my views and factual knowledge have somewhat changed since then. I'm leaving it up for now (02020.07) but I might change my mind after thoroughly re-reading... 🙂 
During the past century, a relatively small number of highly insightful books have been published among the gigantic piles … Continue Reading ››