Krishnamurti vs. me

NOTICE 07.02020: This was written in 02009 , my viewpoints may have evolved significantly :). For a long time, i thought of keeping the following information to myself. After a close second look, i figured it would be better to throw it all out and get it over with, even though this may lead to some controversy … Continue Reading ››

The resistance to change

People complain, people want change, and in the end, does it ever change? Does existence on this planet really change for the better, apart from the technological and medical progress? Have we ever evolved psychologically? Do we have more happy, fulfilling lives than a few millennia ago? Are we actually more depressed than … Continue Reading ››

“Ontoscopy” what does it mean?

ontos: from Greek on (gen. ontos) = "being" (prp. of einai "to be") scopy: from Greek skopos = "seeing," from skopein = "to watch." Some people have been wondering why i … Continue Reading ››

meditations on living, thinking & observing